Welcome to the cyber home of Carolyn J. Rose and Michael A. Nettleton. Our characters—some quirky, some qualified, some quixotic, some quick-witted and others quivering with fear or laughter—solve mysteries in Southwest Washington, the Catskill Mountains, New Mexico, and on the Oregon Coast. We invite you to join them as they encounter killers, thieves, arsonists, drug dealers, catnappers, marauding mimes, ghosts, rowdy high school students, and even Bigfoot.
You can contact Carolyn at Bubba99@comcast.net or cjrauthor@gmail.com

Carolyn J. Rose grew up in New York’s Catskill Mountains, the setting for her Hemlock Lake mystery trilogy. She emerged from the University of Arizona with a degree and a tan, and stayed on for graduate school. Thanks to boredom and a public service announcement on late-night TV, she abandoned literary studies for two years with Volunteers in Service to America in Little Rock. From there a series of coincidences and chance encounters led her to the land of TV news and 25 years as a researcher, writer, producer, and assignment editor in Arkansas, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington. Later she became a high school substitute teacher in Vancouver, Washington. Her subbing experiences, and her sometimes rocky relationship with the dogs in her life, led her to create the canine character Cheese Puff and the Subbing isn’t for Sissies series. Other than writing, her interests are reading, swimming, walking, gardening, and NOT cooking.

Retired after 40-plus years toiling behind a hot microphone in the radio industry, Mike Nettleton has worked part-time as a mentor and tutor to high school students, a substitute librarian, and as a marketing maven for the Vancouver Master Chorale. Along with “baritoning” for the choir, he acts in community theater, plunks the baritone ukulele, and scrawls doggerel about the news of the day. From time to time he plops his rear end in front of the computer and writes a new book.